Cream of Tomato Soup, Called Tomato
4 large tomatoes, cut up, or 1/2 can, with 1/2 cup of water.
2 slices of onion.
2 sprigs of parsley.
1 teaspoonful of sugar.
1/2 teaspoonful salt.
1/4 teaspoonful soda.
1 quart of milk.
1 tablespoonful butter.
1 tablespoonful flour.
Cook the tomatoes with the onion, parsley, sugar, and salt for twenty
Mix in the soda and stir well; the soda prevents the milk from curdling.
Make the milk and flour and butter into white sauce as usual; strain the
tomato, mix the two, and strain again.
Sometimes add a stalk of celery to the other seasoning as it cooks.
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