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Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


Pasta Letters
Story Soup
Sweet Creations
Stir until Done
Peas -n- Carrots



2 cups of flour.
1 teaspoonful baking powder.
1 1/2 cups of milk.
1 tablespoonful butter.
1/2 teaspoonful of salt.
3 eggs, beaten separately.

Mix the flour, baking-powder, and salt; put the beaten egg yolks in the milk, and add the melted butter, the flour and last the beaten whites of the eggs.

Make the waffle-iron very hot, and grease it very thoroughly on both sides by tying a little rag to a clean stick and dipping in melted butter. Put in some batter on one side, filling the iron about half-full, and close the iron, putting this side down over the fire; when it has cooked for about two minutes, turn the iron over without opening it, and cook the other side.

When you think it is done, open it a little and look to see if it is brown; if not, keep it over the coals till it is. Take out the waffle, cut in four pieces, and pile on a plate in the oven, while you again grease the iron and cook another.

Serve very hot and crisp, with maple syrup or powdered sugar and thick cream.

Some people like honey on their waffles. You might try all these things in turn.








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A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl

Main Page of Book

Margaret's Cook Book

A Note from SSK - Foreword
Little Cook-Book: Cereals
Little Cook-Book: Eggs
Little Cook-Book: Fish
Little Cook-Book: Meat
Little Cook-Book: Potatoes
Little Cook-Book: Toast
Little Cook-Book: Coffee
Little Cook-Book: White Sauce
Little Cook-Book: Main Dish
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Salads
Little Cook-Book: Gingerbread
Little Cook-Book: Drinks
Little Cook-Book: Soups
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Macaroni
Little Cook-Book: Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Sauces
Little Cook-Book: Ice Cream/Ices
Little Cook-Book: Cakes
Little Cook-Book: More Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Pies
Little Cook-Book: Candy
Little Cook-Book: School Lunches


Milk Toast
Baking-powder Biscuit
Grandmother's Corn Bread
Perfect Corn Bread
Cooking-school Muffins
Flannel Cakes
Sweet Corn Griddle-cakes